The Mangaluru City Police has issued strict instructions to the owners of accommodations that serve tourists and travelers. A meeting was held on Sunday with lodge, hotel, homestay, resort, and service apartment owners. City Police Commissioner, Kuldeep Kumar R Jain, shared that separate meetings were conducted in the Mangaluru north and south sub-divisions. ACP Mahesh Kumar conducted the meeting for representatives of these accommodations in a hall in the Central subdivision.
The main purpose of the meeting was to emphasize the importance of registering the details of all visitors staying at these establishments. This is to ensure that any illegal activities can be monitored, and in case of any suspicions, the information can be shared with the police. If any illegal activity occurs on the premises and the police are not informed but later discover the incident, the owners will be seen as potentially involved. Therefore, the owners must be extremely cautious and attentive to what is happening on their premises.
The commissioner stressed that it is mandatory to register all individuals entering and leaving the accommodations. Closed-circuit television cameras need to be operational 24/7 with a backup of at least 30 days. Information about foreigners visiting must be reported immediately.
The police are easily accessible via phone. It is necessary to verify the background of all staff members through police verification. If the staff members are locals, the city police will handle the verification process. However, if they are from other districts, they need to obtain a police verification certificate from their respective places in order to establish their reliability. The owners must collect and keep copies of all staff members’ identification cards and important details. This is to prevent any illegal activities or discrepancies in information if it is required in the future. The owners have been given a 15-day deadline to implement these guidelines. The beat staff and officers are also visiting these accommodations. The city police limits have approximately 300 such establishments.